This novel is a great science fiction read lots of action and entertaining plot twists. This is the first book that i ever read that i think would actually be classified as a distopian plot. It was published by shadow mountain and has a total of 328 pages in the book. This is an excellent read and i highly recommend this, and all of gerald lund s books. The last gerald lund book i read was the work and the glory series, which i enjoyed. Free curbside pickup now available in most stores 8773248551 help orders. Its science fiction set in the near future after the termination aka nuclear holocaust. Gerald niels lund was a general authority of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church from 2002 to 2008. The alliance kindle edition by lund, gerald n religion. You need to make sure that you read these ones in order.
Survivors are being relocated to a new society known as the alliance. Its 18 years after the nuclear holocaust and the end of civilization. Fictional storytelling at its best with titles like the guardian, alliance, freedom factor, and more. Buy the alliance by gerald n lund online at alibris. Gerald lund has been one of my favorite authors since i was a teenager. Pillar of light, and the kingdom and the crown, vol. Gerald lunds new novel the guardian shares adventure of a teen girl, her enchanted pouch and outsmarting criminals. Lund was released as a general authority and member of the churchs second quorum of the seventy on october 4, 2008. Futuristic in setting but timeless in its message, the alliance makes a stunning statement about agency in a gripping and entertaining way. We follow the story of eric lloyd who is a member of a small village living in what was star valley wyoming.
Gerald lund supports his daughter rebecca belliston during a book signing at a deseret book store. Its good to see he can branch out and create a believable fiction outside of church history. The characters are different from other books ive read mostly because their world is very different then ours. This series is about germany right before world war ii. Lund does a fantastic job portraying the horror of this civilization and the reader is instantly supporting the main character. Lund brings an intriguing story to life that will transplant you to shalev to join eric and nicole as they set out to free a nation. Lund was released as a general authority and member of the churchs second quorum of the seventy on october 4, 2008 lund is also a popular lds fiction writer, having written the the work and the glory series as well as the kingdom and the crown series, among other. Three adventure novels one in thine hand, the alliance, leverage point. Gerald lund is a fabulous writer, who can make you feel that you were the character in the book. This book held my interest from the beginning, which seems to be rare these days. In the spirit of the alliance, the freedom factor, and leverage point, author gerald n. May 02, 2011 im in the middle of a book my daughter suggested to me.
I love the part where eric and nicole are in the forest and their encounters with the bear. Lund is the bestselling, awardwinning author and speaker, with books that include the work and the glory series and divine signatures. Provided by rebecca belliston growing up as the daughter of bestselling author gerald n. In the spirit of the alliance and the freedom factor, this gripping, fastpaced suspense is for readers young and old. For another science fictional type story, i suggest the alliance, also an excellent book on freedom. Its an old book 83 written by gerald lund who also wrote the work and the glory. Lund has 54 books on goodreads with 207552 ratings. You grow to love eric and his determination to break out of the evil and give the people back their freedom of choice. Slowly, ragtag villages of nuclear holocaust survivors are being relocated to a new society known as the alliance. Lund is extremely well written with many very interesting characters.
Author of the undaunted, the work and the glory, vol. Lund 1988, paperback, reprint at the best online prices at ebay. Its 18 years after the nuclear holocaust and the end of civilization, as we know it. The alliance kindle edition by lund, gerald n download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Oct 18, 20 a fan short of gerald n lund s the alliance. The alliance makes a stunning statement about agency in a gripping and entertaining way. Get the best deal by comparing prices from over 100,000 booksellers.
You grow to love eric and his determination to break out of the. This is an excellent read and i highly recommend this, and all of gerald lunds books. Hendrix, roger 1985, leverage point, salt lake city, utah. Gerald niels lund born september 12, 1939 was a general authority of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church from 2002 to 2008. Aug 20, 2007 appalled at this practice, eric vows to destroy the alliance and set the people free. Lund blends gripping, fastpaced suspense with a timeless message for readers of all ages. Get this book free when you sign up for a 30day trial. This book is a classic example of a future civilization that is free from war, violence, prejudice, and most important freedom.
Reliable information about the coronavirus covid19 is available from the world health organization current situation, international travel. The nook book ebook of the leverage point by gerald n. About a year later, his family moved to salt lake city. Lund, including titles like fire and steel, volume 5. He was also a general authority of the lds church from 2008 to 2008. Oclcs webjunction has pulled together information and resources to assist library staff as they consider how to handle coronavirus. Gerald lund was an american author of historical fiction, christian, literature and fiction books. Youre not going to understand whats going on if you havent read them in order. Librarything is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers. The alliance by gerald n lund book cover, description, publication history. Juberry gave me this novel as a birthday gift and im glad i have my own copy now.
Browse author series lists, sequels, pseudonyms, synopses, book covers, ratings and awards. Lund was born in fountain green, sanpete county, utah, third child of jewell g. This is an easytoread, standalone book that will appeal to anyone looking for a thrilling escape. The main character, eric lloyd, fights very hard for. One thing that keeps it so interesting and unique is the dealing with this moral statement above. It tells the story of people trying to reclaim their freedom and the price they are willing to pay.
The alliance is a very thrilling, modern, sciencefiction novel by gerald lund, which has left an amazing positive impression on me. He is also a famous lds fiction writer having authored kingdom and the crown and the work and the glory series, and also theological nonfiction books for the latterday saints. Numerous and frequentlyupdated resource results are available from this search. Bestselling, awardwinning author of more than 30 books. The title of this book is alliance and it was written by gerald lund, gerald n. The story takes place in a postapocalyptic america and follows eric lloyd in the discovery of a utopian civilization where crime, anger, and hate.
Gerald lunds new novel the guardian shares adventure of a teen. Lund, rebecca belliston heard the question countless times. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading the alliance. And what of erics growing attraction to nicole, a guardian in the alliance. Im in the middle of a book my daughter suggested to me. Lund and a great selection of similar new, used and collectible books available now at great prices. He is perhaps better known for his series, the work and the glory, which follows the lives of a fictional family as they join the newly founded mormon church. Publication date 1983 publisher salt lake city, utah. Four years later they moved to murray, utah which became his home for the next 16 years. But can he have any hope of withstanding the wrath of the alliances major and his computerized punishment. Dec 20, 2018 gerald lund has been one of my favorite authors since i was a teenager. This book is an exciting tale of adventure, love, and sacrifice. Lund told to his children when they were youngnow captured in print for the first time. Signin to download and listen to this audiobook today.
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